Classification and Regression using the Ensemble of ODT-based Boosting Trees
We use ODT as the basic tree model (base learner). To improve the performance of a boosting tree, we apply the feature bagging in this process, in the same
way as the random forest. Our final estimator is called the ensemble of ODT-based boosting trees, denoted by ODBT
, is the average of many boosting trees.
ODBT(X, ...)
# S3 method for class 'formula'
data = NULL,
Xnew = NULL,
type = "auto",
model = c("ODT", "rpart", "rpart.cpp")[1],
TreeRotate = TRUE,
max.terms = 30,
NodeRotateFun = "RotMatRF",
FunDir = getwd(),
paramList = NULL,
ntrees = 100,
storeOOB = TRUE,
replacement = TRUE,
stratify = TRUE,
ratOOB = 0.368,
parallel = TRUE,
numCores = Inf,
MaxDepth = Inf,
numNode = Inf,
MinLeaf = ceiling(sqrt(ifelse(replacement, 1, 1 - ratOOB) * ifelse(is.null(data),
length(eval(formula[[2]])), nrow(data)))/3),
subset = NULL,
weights = NULL,
na.action = na.fail,
catLabel = NULL,
Xcat = 0,
Xscale = "No",
# Default S3 method
Xnew = NULL,
type = "auto",
model = c("ODT", "rpart", "rpart.cpp")[1],
TreeRotate = TRUE,
max.terms = 30,
NodeRotateFun = "RotMatRF",
FunDir = getwd(),
paramList = NULL,
ntrees = 100,
storeOOB = TRUE,
replacement = TRUE,
stratify = TRUE,
ratOOB = 0.368,
parallel = TRUE,
numCores = Inf,
MaxDepth = Inf,
numNode = Inf,
MinLeaf = ceiling(sqrt(ifelse(replacement, 1, 1 - ratOOB) * length(y))/3),
subset = NULL,
weights = NULL,
na.action = na.fail,
catLabel = NULL,
Xcat = 0,
Xscale = "No",
- X
An n by d numeric matrix (preferable) or data frame.
- ...
Optional parameters to be passed to the low level function.
- formula
Object of class
with a response describing the model to fit. If this is a data frame, it is taken as the model frame. (seemodel.frame
)- data
Training data of class
containing variables named in the formula. Ifdata
is missing it is obtained from the current environment byformula
.- Xnew
An n by d numeric matrix (preferable) or data frame containing predictors for the new data.
- type
for classification ("class") or regression ("reg").'auto' (default): If the response indata
is a factor, "class" is used, otherwise regression is assumed.- model
The basic tree model for boosting. We offer three options: "ODT" (default), "rpart," and "rpart.cpp" (improved "rpart")..
- TreeRotate
If or not to rotate the training data with the rotation matrix estimated by logistic regression before building the tree (default TRUE).
- max.terms
The maximum number of iterations for boosting trees.
- NodeRotateFun
Name of the function of class
that implements a linear combination of predictors in the split node. including"RotMatPPO": projection pursuit optimization model (
), seeRotMatPPO
(default, model="PPR")."RotMatRF": single feature similar to Random Forest, see
."RotMatRand": random rotation, see
."RotMatMake": users can define this function, for details see
- FunDir
The path to the
of the user-definedNodeRotateFun
(default current working directory).- paramList
List of parameters used by the functions
. If left unchanged, default values will be used, for details seedefaults
.- ntrees
The number of trees in the forest (default 100).
- storeOOB
If TRUE then the samples omitted during the creation of a tree are stored as part of the tree (default TRUE).
- replacement
if TRUE then n samples are chosen, with replacement, from training data (default TRUE).
- stratify
If TRUE then class sample proportions are maintained during the random sampling. Ignored if replacement = FALSE (default TRUE).
- ratOOB
Ratio of 'out-of-bag' (default 1/3).
- parallel
Parallel computing or not (default TRUE).
- numCores
Number of cores to be used for parallel computing (default
).- MaxDepth
The maximum depth of the tree (default
).- numNode
Number of nodes that can be used by the tree (default
).- MinLeaf
Minimal node size (Default 5).
- subset
An index vector indicating which rows should be used. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.)
- weights
Vector of non-negative observational weights; fractional weights are allowed (default NULL).
- na.action
A function to specify the action to be taken if NAs are found. (NOTE: If given, this argument must be named.)
- catLabel
A category labels of class
in predictors. (default NULL, for details see Examples)- Xcat
A class
is used to indicate which predictor is the categorical variable, the defaultXcat
=0 means that no special treatment is given to category variables. When Xcat=NULL, the predictor x that satisfies the condition (length(unique(x))<10) & (n>20) is judged to be a category variable.- Xscale
Predictor standardization methods. " Min-max" (default), "Quantile", "No" denote Min-max transformation, Quantile transformation and No transformation respectively.
- y
A response vector of length n.
An object of class ODBT Containing a list components:
: The original call to ODBT.terms
: An object of classc("terms", "formula")
) summarizing the formula. Used by various methods, but typically not of direct relevance to users.ppTrees
: Each tree used to build the forest.oobErr
: 'out-of-bag' error for tree, misclassification rate (MR) for classification or mean square error (MSE) for regression.oobIndex
: Which training data to use as 'out-of-bag'.oobPred
: Predicted value for 'out-of-bag'.other
: For other tree related valuesODT
: 'out-of-bag' error for forest, misclassification rate (MR) for classification or mean square error (MSE) for regression.oobConfusionMat
: 'out-of-bag' confusion matrix for forest.split
are important parameters for building the tree.paramList
: Parameters in a named list to be used byNodeRotateFun
: The list of data related parameters used to build the forest.tree
: The list of tree related parameters used to build the tree.forest
: The list of forest related parameters used to build the forest.results
: The prediction results for new dataXnew
Zhan, H., Liu, Y., & Xia, Y. (2024). Consistency of Oblique Decision Tree and its Boosting and Random Forest. arXiv preprint arXiv:2211.12653.
Tomita, T. M., Browne, J., Shen, C., Chung, J., Patsolic, J. L., Falk, B., ... & Vogelstein, J. T. (2020). Sparse projection oblique randomer forests. Journal of machine learning research, 21(104).
# Classification with Oblique Decision Tree.
train <- sample(1:209, 100)
train_data <- data.frame(seeds[train, ])
test_data <- data.frame(seeds[-train, ])
forest <- ODBT(varieties_of_wheat ~ ., train_data, test_data[, -8],model="rpart",
type = "class", parallel = FALSE, NodeRotateFun = "RotMatRF")
pred <- forest$results$prediction
# classification error
(mean(pred != test_data[, 8]))
#> [1] 0.05504587
forest <- ODBT(varieties_of_wheat ~ ., train_data, test_data[, -8],model="rpart.cpp",
type = "class", parallel = FALSE, NodeRotateFun = "RotMatRF")
pred <- forest$results$prediction
# classification error
(mean(pred != test_data[, 8]))
#> [1] 0.05504587
# Regression with Oblique Decision Randome Forest.
train <- sample(1:252, 80)
train_data <- data.frame(body_fat[train, ])
test_data <- data.frame(body_fat[-train, ])
# To use ODT as the basic tree model for boosting, you need to set
#the parameters model = "ODT" and NodeRotateFun = "RotMatPPO".
forest <- ODBT(Density ~ ., train_data, test_data[, -1],
type = "reg",parallel = FALSE, model="ODT",
NodeRotateFun = "RotMatPPO")
pred <- forest$results$prediction
# estimation error
mean((pred - test_data[, 1])^2)
#> [1] 1.872118e-05
forest <- ODBT(Density ~ ., train_data, test_data[, -1],
type = "reg", parallel = FALSE,model="rpart.cpp",
NodeRotateFun = "RotMatRF")
pred <- forest$results$prediction
# estimation error
mean((pred - test_data[, 1])^2)
#> [1] 3.036234e-05